Definition Nation in Butler/Spivak (working on today)
Recognizing the role of language in the destruction of nation as the aim and function of postmodern and postcolonial philosophers and theorists is crucial. Identifying who recognizes and utilizes the significance of language as defining people is fundamental to the issue. Even though Judith Butler has written profusely about performativity and that is even evident in her work within Who Sings the Nation-State, it is important to note the subtitle of the book’s inclusion of the words “language” “politics” and “belonging.” The seeming aim of this book is to advance the no borders mentality and frame of reference for the progressives’ agenda to tear down the very idea of there being a nation of the United States. Butler writes about the notion of nation in the following. Butler advances that “state binds in the name of the nation, conjuring a certain version the nation forcibly” (4) Butler continues to diminish boundaries by stating that the same structure “unbinds, releases, expels, and banishes” (5) and that there is a “formation of power and coercion” wherever there are boundaries and “the act of sovereignty by which the constitutional protections are withdrawn and suspended” (8) and that people are left “dispossessed” (9) According to theory states have physical boundaries and nation have structured cognitive boundaries, boundaries in thought only, in the mind. This structure is set forth to be deconstructed by theorists. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak speaks of how the construct of nation is demonstrated in the Indian national anthem and in the singing thereof. Spivak writes about how the “Bengals sing loudly with a Bengali pronunciation and accent which is distinctly different from the Hindi pronunciation and accent, but the anthem remains Hindi, although it is Bengal” (73)0 Hence it can be concluded that the construct of the nation resides in the mind of the performer and is a construct that can be manipulated and that designates the mental boundaries of the nation for the Bengalis.