Cameron Neylon, in a chapter on how research excellence is a neo-colonial agenda, states that the “concept of ‘excellence’ is an empty rhetorical construct with no common meaning and no value. In fact, it is deeply damaging to the production of research with relevance and importance to actual policy goals .” I have identified nation, identity, truth, family, and God as “concepts or notions” that have been deconstructed or “decentered” by the Left. “Excellence” in education is here another concept that is being deconstructed and even more strongly affects the future of the West, East, North, or South. When we come to our future we will notice that things are falling apart at the seams. This will be decried as the result of latent neo-colonial power, but it actually will demonstrate the lack of incentive and structure needed to prevent the erosion of education. Neylon goes on to undermine use of peer review that has been the staple of research, validity and reliability, for de...