Body or not

 The progressives tore down truth, with the postmodern move.  The progressives tore down Christianity as the colonizer and terrible hegemony.  Now they are tearing down the “human” in favor of the ecological.  So what is left is an ecosystem, its homeostasis expected to be maintained. The foundations for the humanities are now focused on deconstructing humanity (in their parlance, the humxn).  The question can be: what is the appropriate homeostasis? What system, entity, or species should be allowed to gain or lose? Due to the nature of the Earth, there is a lot of change going on.  Who is to say what the balance is, for example, should sapiens be favored, as if we could make a great effort to control the changes within the ecosystem of the Earth.

Tearing down truth amounts to Enlightening others with knowledge about what can stand firm in time and what’s DNA is the fittest.  The fittest is the thing that fits its environment best.  This is the nature of natural selection, which seems to have taken the place of truth, at least for the time being. The earth stands in the balance when the gavel hits the podium of the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States.  When the voting stops, the determination of the Earth happens, according to the laws of the progressives.

A Christian pastor once stated that humanity is the linchpin that holds together the world of phenomena or Creation. To express the importance of our role in the grand scheme, esoteric teachings are explained away as Gnostic.  The importance of the body to the human soul is tantamount.  The greatest heresy against the Christian faith has been one that denies the body and the bodily resurrection.  The latest twist became apparent when I was teaching a class of counselors, and they unanimously agreed that the body is a vehicle; there is supposed to be a soul which supersedes the body; though there is some evidence that transpersonal psychology brings forth the importance of epiphenomena of the body, I think it may fail to recognize the body’s identity with the self.

Our culture tends to see the body as a canvas or a gendered entity that can be changed or manipulated, or neglected.  One might be at odds with their body, but remember that this is not a new experience and does not have to be necessarily negatively connected to some gender issue. A wise man once said to me there has always been turmoil at certain periods of a life that instigates a feeling of not-oneness with the body. 

Humanity is the bodied person and people that can be recognized as important to the Earth.  There are choices we make that affect the Earth indeed, but we are to be “stewards of” and “kind” to the Earth, just as we are to be the same with our bodies or selves, and no doubt with others, including our enemies.  


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