
Christopher J. Schell, Dyson, Fuentes, Des Roches, Harris, Miller, Wolfe-Erskine and Lambert, “We explicitly integrate ecology, evolution, and social processes to emphasize the relationships binding social inequities, specifically racism, and biological change in urbanized landscapes” The closer look at the connections between urban life and ecology is important to the development of discourse for the perpetuation of equity and inclusion. Schell et al. explain that, with a mass of research behind the ideas that connect race and ecology, “Urban ecosystems encompass complex feedbacks between human activity, built and planted infrastructure, and natural landscapes that drive unique biological processes” There is quite the argument here that should be taken seriously, because there is a great debate at the core of what it means to be human and live a sustainable life on earth, with implications about how we have, are, and plan to treat our environment.  One cannot slough it off lightly, but rather must engage with the work that has been done in the area, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, and other sciences and humxnities.  One might state here that there is not a common “we” in this process and that certain racial prejudices apply so strongly that one cannot escape them and their implications; for example, white people cannot approach race except through supremacy thinking. This argument also should be taken seriously because a white person would be best to stay in contact with scholarship that can inform them of the otherness with which people of color are imputed.  A certain sensitivity and openness is important for everyone to remain informed by the experience of color, which is distinguishably real. So, as a product of whatever culture you are, one needs to hold on tight to their prejudices to engage with the ideas surrounding race and ecology so that prejudices are realized and not ignored or thought to have no implications.    



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