NIH focus

 In  Time for Transformation: Public Policy Must Change to Achieve Health Equity for LGBT Older Adults on the NIH pubmed website (authors)  Fredikson-Goldsen and Espinoza contend that “While the ACA stands to improve the health of LGBT older adults dramatically, additional policy reforms are needed to better evaluate its effect on LGBT people, as well as policy interventions that require community engagement with LGBT people and their nonprofit advocates at the local and state levels”  This article is a harsh criticism of states that do not stand for “same-sex marriage, etc…” This shows the disparity in policy-making, surely.  On the other hand, it also shows progressives influence in so many sectors of our lives and how “they” can influence policy making by seemingly offering objective scientific evidence to promote an agenda.  Whether or not you think LGBTqi+ is plausible is not the matter here; rather it is just how flooded the areas of research have become so focused on identifying policies that do not defend the “rights of the LGBT community”


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