Theology or History

This post is about decision making. So, let the Holy Spirit lead you beyond the difficulty you have with contradiction. Simone Weil, the beautiful absurdist theologian, understood contradiction as necessary for us to live with; because of her work, I am able to see no problem with contradiction. But for those who need inerrancy over contradiction, go for it. I am not bothered by either. There are those who would whine at the thought of this . . . . . . . . I H Marshall wrote about the connection between Luke as historian and Luke as theologian. I read his book in 1984. It is quite informative and would be a good read for those who see Biblical literature as church (invented or constructed) theology, useful for training and creeds, but not as history. For those who think that the Bible is not inerrant, but contradictory; I feel sorry for, because they cannot get over the hump to believe the Bible as the Truth and the Word of God and the sole so...