the ‘lightness’ imposed on human beings by having only one life is simply how Milan Kundera described what it is to be people in this world  This was the calling cry in the 1980s about which many spoke of in terms of our existence   Now it is interesting my use of words here “our existence”  During a meeting of a program I was in, some 10 years ago, when speaking to a group, one person chimed in to state “their” dissatisfaction with my inclusive speech “our” and that person blurted-out in a revolted tone “I am not a part of your we” In fact in terms their intersectionality I was already at a loss for status in this person’s terms Nonetheless, a communist they might have fancied themselves I doubted that person’s commitment to true scholarship and imagined myself at the time how unbearable the lightness of being may have been for them, as well given their self proclaimed atheism. It seems quite clear to me that if one has only a finite time to live in their understanding, with no express interest in eternity, one would (by nature?) develop a ravenous appetite for whatever they could do to punish those who beguile them. Punishment comes from a position of power, and power in this world is not only connected with knowledge, but as the message of the movie Apocalypse Now, everything is rife with emptiness and HORROR! 

When facing this world as that which offers us any and/or everything of the secular and cosmopolitan, life becomes the pursuit of power.  To be above (ubermensch) or already having the will-to-power the pursuit of ever more and more power seems to be a part of our nature.   Indeed this Nietzschean theme slam-dunks anything Michel Foucault could have conjured up as the power/knowledge relation. So if all there may be to life is lightness and power then the way the Leftist processes in the world is to gain only one thing, while touting and promising revolution for the different, POWER!          


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