Dirty words

 “Conservative” and “liberal” have been words that have incited arguments (not necessarily fighting) in the 20th century.  In recent times the word “conservative” has become a dirty/filthy word.  It has indicated “hate” “Hate-speech” “unlovingness” and derogatory terms attributed to it. Conservatives have become the dregs of society, as Hillary Clinton most popularly named them “the deplorables” Another dirty word “Christian” has entered the dictionary of filth.  Are you sick of it?  

Some say God is going to rectify this whole cultural mess, others (like me) think that there is too much invisible power invested in taking the West down, as evident in politics and those who feed politicians the sustaining coercive philosophy that will drive Christians into small groups that meet in homes, the Left is powering up for the take-down. Stand firm always and wait to see the salvation of the Lord Adonai

More later on words that when given capital letters become that which people shed blood for . . . according to Simon Weil, excellent mind! 

Do not get too excited or anxious, the Master Signifier (Jacques Lacan's idea) directs us, much the way a doctor will take over conversations. Like so, the Left has taken us out of the "mainstream" voice. Remember there is a multitude of wisdom in silence. If you care to comment do so.  I am averaging about a thousand hits a week now, keep rolling in, tell more people about these posts.  


Thomas said…

One does not need to speak or argue if he is confident and faithful in the One in whom he trusts. The Maker of the universe will have the last word. A man has no need to speak when being verbally attacked, unless he is unsure of his position.
"Always be ready to give an account (when asked) of the hope that is in you."
Better to wait for an invitation, than to cast your pearls before a hostile crowd.
God wins in the end is good theology and Biblical, indeed. "They may indeed see but not perceive, and may hear but not understand, lest they turn and be forgiven" should we not speak (and thence defend)the faith? Just a question. If the faith is not defended then to Hell with everyone else? should we not want to see the faithless saved, those who see idiocy in our Word (Lord Adonai), should we walk in the other's shoes, understand where they are coming from, should it profit the right if wrong is spoken of them. do we not want to the great atheists be returned to the Caller, the One calling for you and for me? This is not a simple matter, it is very complex and should be treated as such. I do want to see the world reformed by the Lord by His people turning to the plow and not turning back . . . so press on toward the high calling that is yours in Christ Jesus. I am willing to look a fool and with hands forward say "here, take Jesus" and you do the same I trust. Let us not have a-pathos, apathy, apathy . . . thank you so much for the gifts you have given and carry-on in the peace of the Lord, Christ Jesus . . . .
Chime in, now!!! and hang on for the ride!!!
Anonymous said…
Haven't read you for a while, but happy you are still writing and hope that you and your family are doing well. RB

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