Consider if you will . . . . . . .

Have you wondered why the Left wants to rid us of one nation under God?  It is not only God they want to eliminate; they intend to destroy the idea of “nation.” This is done through praise of everything but nation.  Homi K Bhabha, in The Location of Culture says that he is not challenging only nationalism, but the historical certainty he wishes to distort and destroy, as well. So Bhabha praise immigrant as migrant and criminal as statistic. The criminal is seen as one who awaits release into the nation. Bhabha writes, “I have lived that moment of the scattering of the people that in other times and other places, in the nations of others, becomes a time of gathering. Gatherings of exiles and emigres and refugees; gathering on the edge of 'foreign' cultures . . . the gathering of people in the diaspora: indentured, migrant, interned; the gathering of incriminatory statistics”  “nation fills the void left by the uprooting of communities and kin”  If you want to get a feeling for the condition of the so-called sojourners, just see how they are in the borderlands, flooding and entrenched en mass upon the land.  This land is just so much which is to become the possession of the “migrant.”  Bhabha is a professor of American literature, but can barely keep a sentence together.  Just read pages 139 and 140 in the before-mentioned text. Then, let all of this sink in, it is a sobering realization to understand why the greatest and elite universities see Bhabha as a hero. He has incendiary things to say about the formulation of “Christian Nationalism” as being the enemy, this is the reverse of the way we understand the Enemy.  Bhabha is a pawn of the Enemy.


Anonymous said…
After her forum on the freedom of speech at Yale Law School, which was intended to show that an atheist and a Christian could have meaningful dialog, was broken up by profanity-shouting, wall-pounding, obscene poster-toting law students, attorney Kristin Waggoner finished and article with this statement, which is instructive for all of us: "But whether Yalies grow to appreciate and engage with diverse viewpoints or not, the best news for Christian believers is that our citizenship in this great nation isn’t permanent. We’re 'looking for the city that is to come' (Hebrews 13:14). In our efforts to be the most neighborly neighbors possible, we will show up, listen up, and stand up with a cheerful eye on our final home." This sounds a lot like 1 Peter 3:15-16.
Anonymous said…
We do inherit an eternal Kingdom that no one can destroy, see the book of Hebrews. Nonetheless, we do live on earth now and face many dangers. We pray for the Lord's protection for His church and His children. An atheist and a Christian having dialogue would definitely be interesting and enlightening. The speaker at Yale must've had the Holy Spirit protecting her. Protestors on campuses can be downright nasty. The kingdom of the Messiah Jesus is in place in our hearts and lives. If we seek His kingdom all things will be added unto us. There are seven mountains of influence in this world which need to be taken back by the church though. They are family, religion, government, media, arts entertainment, economy, and education. Each has a special place in the kingdom of God, the church, and the life of the believer. Each are areas of cultural influence where we can make a difference. God through the Holy Spirit intervenes in this world and we should expect nothing less than the best response from God to His enemies. And as inheritors of his kingdom we should have a response as well, by the moving of the Holy Spirit.

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