Simply stated artificial intelligence, man becoming God

 Zhang, Youheng. "A Historical Interaction between Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy." arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.04148 (2022).

Note that this article was written in 2022.  So Youheng Zhang is concerned with how the public comes to understand artificial intelligence, which is a major issue FOR US today and in the future.  Zhang states that “the public feels AI (artificial intelligence) progress is based on hype rather than genuine advancement” It is not the case that anything hinders the advancement of AI, but what is meant by advancement is another story.  Atheist Sam Harris is working in cognitive science, and other atheists have knowledge in this area.  These individuals are out to say in union with Yuval N Harari that “if God existed,” “God made things in a limited manner, restricting living beings to biology” The atheists ideology presses forward the notion that AI can do more than God can because humans can continue to grow the work of AI in developing extensions to consciousness.  Where neural networks in the brain are complex, these atheists believe that we will create artificial intelligence that equals the brain and will be able to add to the brain’s abilities. There is advancement in the development of manmade neural networks.  Zhang shows concern that “enthusiasm in the AI profession raises concerns about how far AI can progress”   Zhang identifies one of the advancements, “ANNs (Artificial Neural Networks) were first motivated by biology and intended to imitate the functionality of biological neural networks”  In other words, man is creating artificial circuitry, intending to mimic the complexity of the brain. This is a tall order, considering that the number of connections between neurons in the brain could reach from the earth to the moon when added together.  That is a lot of connections, millions of millions. God created this complex brain, and humans are attempting to create neural networks of the same complexity.  This approach is called “connectionism.” Please note that atheists are trying to not simulate God’s work but see God’s work as inadequate compared to what humans can do. This humanism is so confident in people’s ability to advance beyond God and centers on a focus of human projects and designs. Humans are trying to become God in many ways.  


Anonymous said…
A very Promethean attitude of the atheists; AI is not intelligence at all. It is nothing more than preprogrammed choices: If A, then do B. These choice trees have reached astonishing degrees of complexity, but qualitatively, they have no capacity to generate new ideas and have no free will, as their choices are predetermined. An AI system cannot choose to change itself or generate new alternatives from the outside. It is, after all, ARTIFICIAL, and it is not intelligence.
As for becoming superior to God, Alvin Plantinga promotes the idea that God is that which nothing greater can be imagined, so neither AI nor its creator, Man, can be greater than God. As John Lennox puts it, He is the God of the whole show, not of just a small part of the creation or of a portion of human intelligence.
Regarding ultimate causation, a thing can only uncaused, or caused by another. Self-causation is logically impossible, because a thing would have to exist in order to cause itself, which is absurd. Man is not uncaused. Therefore, he must be caused by another, namely the Ultimate Cause, God. An effect can also never be greater than its cause. Therefore, "AI" will never be greater than Man, nor will Man ever be greater than God.
Excellent Now you have the ball rolling (wish PJ, Byron , Bob, Anonymous, et al would join). The connectionist point is that once there are enough connections in artificial neuronal networks then intelligence will be more than simulated, but thought will become real, among the artificial community.

Even though there may seem to be intelligence and even at some point consciousness will happen among artificials. Though all the work is done to create neural networks, it still seems that we only have the Turing state whereby from all outward appearances something appears to be alive. Mannerisms, responses, spontaneity, and behavior all seem human, but there is no LIFE there, no consciousness.

I like your direction on Man and God, very astute and appropriate. Thank you for your comment.

Aside from us not being able to create real life, as God does by speaking the Word. We do have a lot of prophets of the Left who convince people that what seems to be real is real. How do we speak to that "following" about the truth concerning behavior, knowledge (yes, learned) and "appearance" as "real" life and consciousness?
Let's go folks, chip in. THis is a serious diallogue we need to have to learn to fend off the Left, figures like Yuval Harari and Sam Harris (the upstart cognitive scientist) who really is an atheist. We need the tools to confront these guys (sic) . . . just watch YouTube video on AI and God by Harari or Harris.

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