Gurminder K Bhambra and John Holmwood state that “Many recent accounts of the welfare state in Europe (and, elsewhere) suggest that changing patterns of immigration have undermined the solidarity necessary to recognise the claims of fellow citizens to social rights” AND although “there is a failure of solidarity, we argue that it is one that has its origins in colonialism which organised access to politics and social rights on a hierarchical and racialised basis” Since the social rights of citizens and non-citizens has altered the face of social aid in the US it seems likely that such aid will expand and include migrants that are not citizens. An interesting use of the term “social rights” here suggests that individuals have rights to access to aid.  As far as rights are concerned, conservatives would argue that the only rights individuals have should be designated for legal citizens. It seems almost a guarantee at tis point that not mtter how one enters the US that those people would be considered by the radicalized Left to have social rights, spken of as baic human rights.  The catch is how far the US is going to go in fulfilling the needs of people that are in the US illegally.

The language used by Bhambra and Holmwood suggests that these human rights have been denied people due to a “colonial” “hierarchy” and based on a racialised basis.” This language proves that its use is intentional in educating the readers as to the nature of the denial of social rights (whether tendered legally or illegally) being rooted in colonialism. This evidences the way that the didactic process of retraining the Western mind to the mindset of “guilt” is engendered.  This is a political move that the Left uses and is quite effective.  In order to get policies instituted the use of such language informing the legislators is of the nature of causing the policies to be rather Marxist, which is not particularly in line with postcolonial ends. This use of language, because language so defines reality, is detrimental to democracy and the will of the people who are citizens of the US. The claims about racialisation will addressed I future posts.   


Robert Benne said…
Fine observations and analysis, Chris. RB

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