
My Next Book (first pages)

  Nation has been torn down and dismantled by three forces. These forces are politics, academia, and apathy. Not in that order or any linear fashion do these forces affect one another, but they do coalesce to make collateral damage to nationhood. In these pages I will demonstrate how these forces work together.   This demonstration will be conducted from three theoretical positions (Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, and Jean Baudrillard) in light of the way politics, the university, and the church         operate. In an age of tribalism we have come to identify each individually and possessively with communities that vary from organizations, causes, race, gender specificities, philosophies of life and in fact theologies. Types of tribes have been alliterated elsewhere and in many ways.   I will be taking up the task of fleshing out and unpacking the origins, longevity, decline, and demise of nation. To make things fair to the reader and to help define ...


Can you read any present day literature that does not introduce GENDER into the story,, text, or research?  This is not the battle we have, the battle is with cultural relativism and the postcolonial ideas of the Left. Everything stems from these.  The cry for justice comes loudly from the Left. Is this a false justice?   Is not a power grab from the Left, to secure the ability to force anything on the American people? Yes the rainbow was stolen from the Christians and the Jews. However, and we must fight to get it back, we mustn't make this our sole goal. Our goal is to defeat the thinking that proposes social justice i.e. more government programming.  This programming makes people dependent on the govt and lies to the people about the justice in govt spending. Never has welfare freed anyone, but encourages dependence. So we must not fight against the Trojan horse, GENDER, but rather against the ideologies of the left. Christians have not colonized anyone in Am...

Black Poem of resistance and protest

  They won’t let you in ‘cause you got the wrong doctrine They won’t let you in ‘cause you don’t wear a cloth They won’t let you ‘cause you don’t speak in tongues They won’t let you in ‘cause your breath smells like dung   Don’t worry ‘bout thems that’s in the box man You’d like to, but don’t kick them in the crotch man They only want one flavor, that fruit They won’t let you in ‘cause they don’t give a hoot        You don’t want in their box, Schleiermacher’s “religion” You don’t have to fall to their subjugation You fall with hard knocks, don’t   call it spirituality The structure that you build will fall as calamity

McCarthy caving ?

 Did McCarthy cave???

Theology or History

  This post is about decision making.   So, let the Holy Spirit lead you beyond the difficulty you have with contradiction.   Simone Weil, the beautiful absurdist theologian, understood contradiction as necessary for us to live with; because of her work, I am able to see no problem with contradiction. But for those who need inerrancy over contradiction, go for it. I am not bothered by either. There are those who would whine at the thought of this . . . . . . . . I H Marshall wrote about the connection between Luke as historian and Luke as theologian.   I read his book in 1984.   It is quite informative and would be a good read for those who see Biblical literature as church (invented or constructed) theology, useful for training and creeds, but not as history.   For those who think that the Bible is not inerrant, but contradictory; I feel sorry for, because they cannot get over the hump to believe the Bible as the Truth and the Word of God and the sole so...

You Go Tulsi???

  The political prosecution of Trump is an obvious attempt by Biden/Dem elite to drain Trump’s attention and resources. Their actions expose their utter contempt for democracy and the rule of law—and makes laughable all of their verbiage about “protecting democracies around the world.” They are reducing our great couuntry into a banana republic  ---Tulsi Gabbard (how offensive are these words to postcolonial ears . . . . . . .   Make-up your mind abouut this post;  do you agree with this woman Tulsi or not??? Can you BELIEVE Gabbard uttered these heinous words on X as she continues to “demolish” the Democrat Party.   What next Tulsi?

Dirty words

  “Conservative” and “liberal” have been words that have incited arguments (not necessarily fighting) in the 20 th century.   In recent times the word “conservative” has become a dirty/filthy word.   It has indicated “hate” “Hate-speech” “unlovingness” and derogatory terms attributed to it. Conservatives have become the dregs of society, as Hillary Clinton most popularly named them “the deplorables” Another dirty word “Christian” has entered the dictionary of filth.   Are you sick of it?    Some say God is going to rectify this whole cultural mess, others (like me) think that there is too much invisible power invested in taking the West down, as evident in politics and those who feed politicians the sustaining coercive philosophy that will drive Christians into small groups that meet in homes, the Left is powering up for the take-down. Stand firm always and wait to see the salvation of the Lord Adonai More later on words that when given capital letters...