My Next Book (first pages)


Nation has been torn down and dismantled by three forces. These forces are politics, academia, and apathy. Not in that order or any linear fashion do these forces affect one another, but they do coalesce to make collateral damage to nationhood. In these pages I will demonstrate how these forces work together.  This demonstration will be conducted from three theoretical positions (Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, and Jean Baudrillard) in light of the way politics, the university, and the church       operate. In an age of tribalism we have come to identify each individually and possessively with communities that vary from organizations, causes, race, gender specificities, philosophies of life and in fact theologies. Types of tribes have been alliterated elsewhere and in many ways.  I will be taking up the task of fleshing out and unpacking the origins, longevity, decline, and demise of nation.

To make things fair to the reader and to help define nation here, I will give some examples of the ruinous nature and agenda of the twenty-first century organizations or systems that have brought down nation. But first I would like to look at the idea nation in the context of the earliest twentieth century, when nation states began to emerge as dynasties came to their ends.  In times gone by, there used be an adage, “the shot heard ‘round the world.” This was said in reference to the beginning of the American Revolutionary War.  However, there were shots of a profound significance to the whole of Eastern and Western Europe, and in turn the United States. One of these shots went through the Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo, 28 June 1914. This murder went through the world with the profundity that would be the stem of World War One and the beginning of the demise of even the notion of dynasties, much less their actual continuation. With this event, the shot which struck Ferdinand dead, came the beginning of the end of the world as it was known.

So, what happened to the dynasties in the Europe      


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