Just to wet your appetite . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In CHINA'S NEW DEMOCRACY by MAO TSE-TUNG one finds language very similar with the rhetoric of the Left, among Democrats in the US in the last 4 years. With the new focus on social justice it never seems one can escape this rhetoric’s influence even in worldwide political landscape.  The words dripping with this rhetoric are very similar to that of Mao Tse-Tung (the Chinese Marxist Stalinist/Leninist) who murdered so many people in his inception of power in China. In the New Democracy Tung stated that “It is the old colonial, semi-colonial and semi-feudal politics, economy and culture that we aim to sweep away, and it is new politics, economy and culture, something exactly opposite to the old, that we are going to establish” This is in direct connection with those who would destroy in the name of building for the better(ment) of the US and the world.  Tung goes on to exclaim “The democracy mentioned here is not the old democracy of the old type, but the New Democracy of the new type” and that the new democracy is new in the sense that it leads to socialism, as Tung explains on page 14 of China’s New Democracy with introduction by Earl Browder published by New Century Publishers in 1945.  Tung also says “The historical characteristic of the Chinese revolution is that it is divided into two steps, that of democracy and that of socialism,” very clearly laying out his agenda. Get Mao’s work and start your read to see more similarities.  China’s New Democracy is replete with such coinages that Tung lays-out.


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