Who Reads This Anyways?

The mention of polls irritates me, for one reason and one reason alone.  Why have I never been polled? Do you get the same vibe? That is my reason.  When discussing polls in an article or book or online, in my opinion, writers embarrass themselves.  If one relies on a poll to help them with an opinion or belief or decision, it is sad for that person.  Statistics, for that matter, can be manipulated as well. And the good empiricist always finds exactly what they are looking for . . . hence their results. It is summarily dissatisfying to get a taste of polling during an election season. If you base your vote on a poll, you are too darn stupid to vote. Your vote is equivalent to choosing a kid on the playground for kickball.

Let me give you an example of stupidity.  The idea that liberals are perpetually consumed and fear ridden is definitely the case. To use a poll to demonstrate the seriousness of liberal ideas seems to me to be pointless.  A poll does not prove liberals fear theocracy, but your discussion with a liberal will. Besides, who does not fear theocracy these days? If God came to reign the earth we all would fear God. The God of righteousness and justice reigning? Who would not fear that? Wait a minute . . . . . God does reign.      


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