Passed-off blog

We are losing the battle! That is because we cannot engage the left, but in fact have only reactionary Ways of making statements against them. Oops, did I say “them” ? Sorry.  How do they win?  You vote for them you send your kids to their schools. Rod Dreher may have been correct. We need to find a strategy that will be more effective than what we are using now. We must not continue to give them power with our votes and our money.  

Dark money for the left comes from clean money from the right. You think it is squeaky clean to support your children’s school when it is the very institution that is corrupting them. So your child may be a lawyer or a doctor or an Indian chief but guess what, they will be part of a broken and ailing system that Produces sick and maladaptive and lazy unmotivated entitled little video game players do not have any ambition to add any contribution to the world. Jesus is coming soon morning or night or noon. Get your ass in gear for the end is near.

You may find here some crazy ass stuff but remember the Gospel is a skandolon a stumbling block for the Greek the wise and it is foolishness to the educated even these days.  So, stop sending your children to participate in the orgy called education.  Think outside the box, stop speaking Christianese and join in the humble chorus of the foolish. 

I know what seminary students do in there free time, I have been there. It is shameful and serendipitous for the evil one. Satan lapses them up like a dog drinking fresh water.  They prepare their sermons and deliver such sermons with white cloth and the sacrament at hand.  This is frightening because it may be the eclipse of morality and the twilight of the idols. This may be the end of the Christianity that you know and may well be the beginning of an age that is full of the Agios Pneuma.  There may not be anymore sola scriptura no more spoken word coming from the mouth of man.  

Read more inspired blog and join the thousands of readers. It has its appeal in its craftiness and unorthodox character  and delivery. Hope this was disturbing and faithfully executed for you, so that you may hear the Word of God the next time it comes around you.  Amen and I am bugging-out.  See you at the next location and don't find yourself raptured at the wrong time by the wrong so-called anointed one.  You may or may not leave voluntarily. 


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