Truth and apology


Here is the definition and use of apologetic:  of the nature of a formal defense or justification of something such as a theory or religious doctrine.  "the apologetic proposition that production for profit is the same thing as production for need"

Tell you the truth, I have now no reason to be winsome or apologetic about the Truth that is being given to me. Theology? Orthodoxy? These are important to know, but It (the Truth) is not about wrestling, but is more NOW like street fighting.  You must wake-up and stop speculating, theologizing. We must take every measure to advance the Truth we are given.  Our culture, our world, our NATION is under attack and must be defended!  Our faith is under attack, by many in high places.  Let no one take you captive by empty deceit or philosophies of this world (Colossians 2:8) Do not let governmental powers refuse you the right to express the Truth, the Gospel, and the right Weltanschauung.  Let not escape you the opportunities to make great a nation, which is being destroyed.  Please listen to God’s voice through whatever measure or means that the Word of God may be preached and propagated, which is right.  We propagate the Truth because it is a skandelon to those who listen, but do not hear.  Be trapped in Truth and carry it as the cross you bear everywhere, in the Name, the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. 


Robert Benne said…
Excellent piece.

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