Executive Orders

 Okay . . . being king was a good gig . . . is our president to be king . . . how did executive orders evolve over the years . . . as some would say the Constitution (or the use thereof) does . . . be that not the topic here though ,. . . my question is about executive orders . . . what is the origin of executive orders??? how have they evolved???  more on this later . . . 

here is a helpful site: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/data/executive-orders  if you trust USC Berkely

 It seems considering years in office that Woodrow Wilson enacted a high, if not the highest number of executive orders, per year in office. Even though progressive policies sometimes contradicted each, they were developed to assist the poor in light of social and economic inequalities.  Therefore, it is inaccurate to attribute to present day progressives the notion of addressing inequalities.  This progressivism has a history that I hope everyone is aware of or at least are making themselves aware of; be careful of whose history book you read, though.  I do not claim that my history lesson is completely accurate, please look into this yourself.  


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