Environmental Person-ities


THEY have a stranglehold on your children, whether your children are in k-5 or in college or graduate school.  It is not about pride month, it is about kids teaching kids.  THEY have had the ball rolling for decades.  Those who teach your children are children themselves. Those with prestigious degrees go straight through college and into graduate school.  Those who teach in the new guard of educators, just barely got their educations.  (don’t start whining about my use of they and those) Teachers trained in the liberal arts or humanities are learning about the science -society nexus or the science-society interface as the focus of learning.  Kindly tell me what science is these days, propaganda.  As for society, it is morally bankrupt.  What a mixed bag, paper bag that is, and it is all wet. The arguments that are used to justify scientific principles demonstrate the constructed nature of knowledge (constructed, a la Thomas Kuhn, Jacques Derrida, and Michel Foucault).  Each theory (or fact they would have you believe) is based on faulty thinking, or fallacious logic, if any.  If there is a disdain for “reason” (i.e. logocentrism) it surely can be deconstructed or dismantled.  Things only fall within reason for these kids teaching kids if these things filter through the sieve of the grand institution of academia.  The academy and its flaming progressive government, entertainment, and popular cohorts is pushing environmental humanities. If someone you know has a liberal arts degree, or even a bachelor of science degree, they are of the same bent.  Their conviction is one that entangles them in the so-called science-society nexus or science-society interface, problem still is: what the heck amounts to science these days. Right back to the ever self defining environmental (anti) humanities!   If you ask me you have to take the human out of the equation, as well. What is left is environmental person-ities. What a floppy straw-man (sic).


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