Representation is Truth

Representation is Reality . . . Representation is Reality, Indeed!  This could be my last blogpost, as wewillnotcave winds down, but is perhaps the most salient and prophetic (pointing to the Real) in title and content as one can be in these times.  Stuart Hall wrote a great deal about representation and many have used his work to demonstrate the power of the images that people are exposed to in the 20th century, and now the 21st century.  That Representation IS Reality is ultimately truth, which is a phrase most most most Christians might abhor.  I make no bones about it, Truth is represented, Truth cannot be encapsulated just as God’s name cannot be spoken without true judgment come upon one’s that utter attempts to reproduce the Name. But let’s not get caught up in the ethereal or the theological. 

Representation demonstrated on a screen only fuses one to the Truth, which is in fact the representation itself.  Look around and notice who and what is represented and then try if you can to look around and see what you see, they are not the same.  Two people on a screen embraced in a kiss, but ah, that is not the case with all kissers.  The people on the billboard are smiling at a facility, when no one there at the facility is really smiling.  The billboard though is the real, the Hell with those in the institution which the billboard represents, for they are not real, in fact.  Flesh and blood are not real, only some semblance of a representation of consciousness is real.  Manufactured consciousness through artificial intelligence is realer than real consciousness (“realer than real” being a phrase coined by Brian Massumi).  There is quickly coming the day, and it already is, when that which behaves like it is conscious is considered conscious, the age old argument made by scientists of consciousness, known as cognitive scientists (of which our dear atheist friend Sam Harris has entered the ranks with).  Just think of it. Sam the atheist is telling you who or what is real. Harari and Harris I am sure have met in a bar somewhere.  For Harari algorithms determine and are the things that all is made of, whereas for the atheist en pure THEY flat out has no Ground to stand on.

Meanwhile, back at the blogpost (in other words I digress), there is the burning question, is the represented folk you see on the screen a true representation of the populace at large? Better yet, are we becoming the representations? What in the media is a lie is often, if not always the truth  . . . and what media present as truth is a lie.  Watch it develop before your very eyes, you know on the screen, and it will be.  Media said “let there be the great doctor for Americans and there they was.” Kick that around in your mind a bit.  Just try to remember the last time truth was represented to you, unless of course your memory is too clouded by buttery popcorn.                          


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