Prophesy or Conspiracy Theory

 Prophecy or Conspiracy Theory:  In 2012 in the PhD program I was in I first learned of wokeness.  I saw Woke coming.  There is a documentary Southern Comfort about transgender individuals and the torment and difficulties in their lives.  Even can be a tear jerker, if you care about people.  It is on YouTube and I saw this coming quite a few decades ago.  As far as representation and reality goes we are given a minority view representation and it is working to change us through media; want it or not?  Like it or not?  too bad it is happening. Will WHO rule the world, I have been told by a person of good repute that this is a possibility.  This person is your typical nice friendly and reliable person and I trust THEIR words.  It is quite amazing how we become immune to the lies that we are fed on the tube TV and internet FB and Snapit or whatever it is called. Please keep your distance from these converters, who make proselytes, who are actively stealing minds from the right to the Left. I pray you heed these words. What in the world are you doing buying the lies from Satan that come in the form of representations which distort (pixilated) making people crazy and confused.  Do not want to throw too much at you but we need to avoid the use of screens unless you can discriminate truth from the works of the Deceiver, the beast, the dragon, that old serpent called Satan.  Let us as Christians be the bearers of Jesus the Truth.  Proselytization is based in representation.  Wake up and come out of Babylon so that we might clothe the church with our good deeds.  


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