Drinkin' with the priests, drinkin with the priests, we will go rejoicing, drinking with the priests.

 Matthew 10  34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household” Thought I would take a word out-of-order, but this text is often interpreted by using the Pauline idea of the Word of the Lord being as two-edged or as the part of the armor of God. If one can consider walking straight into the liberal machine of definitions, including those from entertainment or Netflix, in a talk, discussion, or sermon, then Christians are as Nietzsche had said, as sheep. Do your FaceBook and your Instagram, but leave these out of your explanations of Biblical Truth.  It is bad enough to use Paul to interpret Jesus, but Hollywood to define Biblical and theological matters, do not water down Truth with garbage.  Talking about whom to pray for, pray for your brethren.  Dance with your enemies, party with the sinners, gallivant with those in low places. Don’t worry about who you are with the night when the Lord is slain, Peter worried about such and denied his lord thrice. Getting upset about CRT and then participating in watching TV with commercials about Disney is oxymoronic.  Come on man! Where is the consistency in this, just stop griping about LGBTQai inclusion and diversity, while you fork out your bucks on cable TV.  Let the rich be the rich and the poor be the poor. Remember that Jesus hung out with the proletariat, while being called a drunkard and a carpenter’s son. He, though, did not hang-out with drunken priests; at least he was not recorded to have done so.  This though may be the report in some extracanonical text, maybe. Being in the world and not of it can be twisted in so many ways, it can make your head swim.      


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