CRGT and Satan

Wewillnotcave was talking about, a cognoscente of and knowledgeable in critical race gender theory (CRGT) as early as 2012 (frankly, as early as 1980).  These positions have been popular as a revisionist approaches to history and find their roots in Lyotard and Habermas and other critical theorists.  In the 1980’s (and even earlier) in the university theoretical positions about gender and race were difficult for churches to handle.  Wewillnotcave was blocked from teaching these ideas in the church by Satan, for years.  CRGT became problematized and misunderstood by Christians, particularly white Christians, from 2020 and beyond, based on misconceptions.  A challenge to the classical approach to history is inevitable and necessary in order for our understanding of white dominance in the world and how the global north and west have been protected from assaults on their characterization of historical figures.  This “they” (white Christian male hierarchists) need a healthy challenge, but a fair balance in perspective is needed as well. Approaches like postcolonialism and postmodernism have been the talk of academia for decades now, and these too are the roots of CRGT, and have also been blocked by Satan whenever wewillnotcave wished to teach these in the white Christian church.  The fear of a fair approach to all of these political philosophical positions have been the scorn of conservative churches for many decades, though the ideologies have been held at bay by diligent theologians, who did not want such emphasis on color, ethnography, and geology to cause deeper thought in the laity. It has been suspected that CRGT is rooted in Marxism.  While this is partially true, one must remember that other philosophies, such as feminist thought, have generated the early momentum starting as early as the 1960s. Civil rights and women’s suffrage movements have pushed white folk to realize the iterations of discrimination, domination and degradation of the “other” that have been part and parcel to the development and clarification of theories that challenge traditional hierarchies. It is time for the white conservative Christian to realize the importance of having an accurate and clear understanding of CRGT and to treat it, and people of difference it represents, with an ear for the truth that can be found in the experience of these “otherized” populations. This post is not in total support of these ideas; suggest that Chrisitans become more educated on these matters.  Take it from the prophetic mouth of wewillnotcave that these theories are not going away and will reckon with the church in the future, for years to come. Before you criticize and teach against these ideologies (CRGT et al) you had better get your facts straight, and not refer to these as Marxism or present them with some other shorthanded and negligent understanding of what they are and the roots of them.  You cannot just assume that color has replaced the proletariat in these ideologies, they go much deeper than that, thank you.   


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