affirmations gone amok

 "Affirm" this, I am sick and tired of affirming all the politically sappy nonessentials, that frankly offend me. The medical field, in concert with its corruption and dangerousness, has caved in this cultural “moment.”  It will be the church which must drive the major institutions in the future, where they fail us.  HuMANity is faltering, and it is now the time for the church, once again I say, to “come out of Babylon.” Healthcare of every kind is giving way, we as the church must stand up for the right, the good, the truth, and the holy.  All is to become under God’s provincial “moment” and we will see the church either follow the glorious trail that will be burnt ahead of us, by God’s shekinah, the pillar of fire, that which is so bright we can only turn our backs to it. The humanities, social sciences, hard sciences, philosophy, literature, many fields of thought and fields of study and fields of practice, will be wrest from the grip of the evil one(s).  God will only put up with so much foolishness on the part of His people.  Too many have caved to the pressure of the Left. For that matter it is interesting that some will only see a slap on the wrist for their heinousness, all the while Christians are being painted in many negative lights. 

An example of where the government, in all its glory, has failed to address social problems.  Giving out much to many, yet homelessness is still a problem everywhere.  What is with this?  where the ___ has all the money gone in the past few years?  to some programs that appeal to progressive ideologies while the homeless wander the streets, certain people sit in their towers and sip on brandy and bourbon delighting in their (yes, I said "their") snobbery. Does that sick senile old man care about the sick old man on the street?  I don't think so. 


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