What we are responsible for . . . . .

This may seem like the harshest thing I have written, and I am not referencing philosophers or theorists or big names that you may not know of; I am writing the truth as God puts it upon my heart, The Master-Signifier, as discussed before, is the one who (in the situation I am talking about) does not create the Grand Narrative of our world and culture, but participates in giving it credence when calling evil leaders significant before God. We fight against the powers and principalities of this world, spiritual warfare, that is, and we should not participate in the giving of great meaning to those who just as soon see our demise.  There are evil leaders, but we mustn’t limit ourselves from recognizing THEM. God gave us a kingdom that cannot be destroyed, as in now.  It is not time to give up on the idea that God saves individuals and countries. Christians in the US are being destroyed and persecuted and MADE to believe, not by many choices, but by a media machine offering one ideology.  You are not given an option if you are involved in any media, movies, news, television, games, or virtual reality. Still, you are being determined by a unilateral attack on your values.  No matter what values you believe you have, the machine makes them obsolete and delivers you to Satan. There are preachers and, of course, teachers that do not stand up for their nations, and this is a sad affair. Post-philosophies have greatly influenced the anti-nation theologies, opening the door for non-Christian, prominently progressive, and Leftist propaganda that seeps from their pores. They are so dowsed in these ideologies on even a subconscious level that preaching Christianity without land (sorry if that sounds like Zionism) is a problem.  Our job is to restore Christian principles in all domains of life, including nation. Many love God but do not love their country and are not willing to believe God designed their country for holy use; God bless the USA.  That is more than sad, but is frightening and reeks of the work of, let’s face it, the evil one known as the great beast, “and the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him” (Revelation 12:9)  An attack of Satan is often through isolation and reduction of the Kingdom of God. God wants to save the nation(s) and will, whether it is prayed about or not, by any particular group.  Many are inciting real and virtual violence to stop the spread of Christianity in this world.  God will restore the nations and people who believe in and follow God. Yes, the earth and the universe are God’s and the fullness thereof; God has not just some spiritual entity called the Kingdom of God with limited influence.  God is the God of the universe and seeks to restore all domains of our culture.                                    


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