Sheep shape

The Master Signifier speaks, and the slave listens.  The sheep follow the cultural way, a la Friedrich Nietzsche.  Nietzsche indicated that Christians are sheep that follow Jesus because they are weak. Zarathustra wanted to avoid leading sheep, as in a flock, into weaknesses. Zarathustra intends to lead the individual into strength and perpetual growth of strength and individuality, known as übermensch or overman.  The weak in present culture are those not Christians who have their eyes on Jesus but Christians that follow the screen and other culture-shaping devices. These devices or machines cause many to follow.  The following is such that definitions of Christian experiences are expressed in terms that these devices prepare the mind for, as in movies and television shows.  But, it is not to worry that one takes meaning from popular culture, for this is what all sheep do.  Their grass is the screen. If the Master, or Shepherd, says follow the screen this is easier than an acquired habit. The sheep know how to do everything the Shepherd tells them to do. The bigger problem is that the Master Signifier follows everything the screen tells them to do. The Shepherd becomes the sheep and follows the cultural mandate. The mandate can only come from the source of education and information sharing, i.e. the screen (TV, Movies, or the Internet). As the saying goes, “Google knows everything” Often, the Christian either thinks they manifest something or that God does so, when in fact, the Christian is having the media machine manifest the moment for them; there is no Beulah Land, only interior experience of the screen.


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