Meaning-makers . . . not

Furman and others says that “Concepts embedded into current practice wisdom become essential notions related to the human condition and focus practice interventions on resolving various social and psychosocial problems”

 Furman adds, “As the profession strives to contend with rapid transformations of the social order brought about by . . . (factors like) complex problems of post-modernity, new concepts are needed to focus the profession on its core values and aims”  The concept that Furman takes into consideration is “meaning” and elaborates on its usefulness. Furman also states that, somewhat insightfully is the existential problem is about meaning, which is pretty obvious to anyone who knows anything about anything. Of course, Furman indicates that humans construct meaning and how special, to be able to do such a thing.  The problem is, constructing meaning is difficult in a world without meaning and individuals who lack meaning or even the possibility of conceiving of meaning. Furman sweetly says that “we find meaning in how we encounter nature and the world around us, how we interact with others, and how we interact with ourselves.”

 This ridiculous chatter goes nowhere because meaning is not a part of human capacities without God. Period!   Social sciences fumbling about trying to endeavor into meaning-making only shows how those is authoritative roles these days (i.e. social workers, psychologists, counselors, and ministers) are the creators of the narratives people live within. As a matter of fact, it is more likely and better suited to notice that these figures are authoritarian when they inject their meaningless hegemonic meaning into our lives.  I am sorry, but meaning is not created by humans.  Science answers how but not why.  Soft science even furthers into stupidity by trying to “construct” meaning. This is the most meaningful meaninglessness that there is, that is constructed by humans.  Ideas that promote emptiness and meaning-making leave people in lonely places.  As Ecclesiastes says that all is meaningless, and everything is emptiness. Jesus is the answer, Lord Adonai. Come, Lord Jesus, and rescue your church from the clutches of the meaningless world and dominion of Babylon, the last bastion where Satan can push ideas upon the people of God..    


Anonymous said…
"Ridiculous chatter"
I'm reminded of the illusionists and eliminativists who warble at length about the absence of not only meaning, but of reason, rationality and consciousness.
Anonymous said…
Yes I agree that there is a lot of relativism in the air now even in the 60's and 70's, but is this the root of it. Richard Rorty explains that these qualities about meaning making are real and ironically need to be dealt with by humans as a whole. It is a poor sight when people are left to their own devices to find meaning. God help us all.

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