Death by plants

Ed McNally, in the New Left Review, has an article appearing within the webpages (to use a paper reference) in which it is stated that “Neta Crawford’s intellectual project (project, notice not a paper) is perhaps best understood as a progressive immanent critique of American empire, defined by intricate attention to the military as an institution – its political history, energy composition, ideologies, procedures, rules, and modes of killing” Here one sees the very concerns I have been barking about for almost a year now in these blog posts. The concern is that the American “empire,” is used as a word that is intensively proposed as evil and used in the accounting of American advancement.  Remember? I have stated that “nation” and “empire” are crucial in the way the Left vilifies the US.  To beat it all, it is not just the American machinations, but the work of humans which is criticized by the Left should be done by talking plants, where plants do the job, through whom the central role of humans is critically analyzed and considered to be anthropocentric. McNally writes, “the advent of the ‘Anthropocene’ and the spread of American-led transnational capitalism are intertwined,” and this causes a problem for environmentalists and for the earth at large.  In other words, the huMAN race is at fault for a declining environment, so being alive is a problem for this Anthropocene (human beingness); in fact, all human interaction and communication, and by induction McNally’s writing, should cease.  The creators of the ability to do “projects” like Crawford’s should be deleted from existence, and if you are “reading” this, you should be deleted.  The perpetuation of human life should be destroyed, but wait, the Left already has a solution, the drive to its own death.  Ah, that’s it, the death drive.  Maybe in the future, plants and animals will be in charge, and the Anthropocene will die off or be in the service of plants. 


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