God or not . . . . . . .. .

The name Israel was given as a big moment in the history of defense against atheism.  It means to wrestle with God or strive with God.  This position in theological musings is important because it demonstrates the continued struggle and rigors with the notion of God. If you are an atheist, you need to know how weak-minded and weak-kneed you are since you have come to such a simplistic conclusion. Your conclusion needs to measure up to the metaphysical approaches of science and critical theory. Adorno accounts in his works on metaphysics and ethics the following: “philosophy cannot give up, lest idiocy triumph in actualized unreason [Widervernunft] … Folly is truth in the shape that human beings must accept whenever, amid the untrue, they do not give up truth” What further Adorno speaks of Truth he indicates that Truth is “utopian in its reach, yet firmly tied to specific societal conditions” it is something which points to and the “metaphysical” in Adorno’s understanding, there is a “secularist messianic hope for utopianism,” i.e., “a nonreligious Jew wants a good place or a nonreligious person’s hoping for a perfect world as contrived by humans. These are the definitions of the phrase given by 10 years old and 14 years old that are classically trained.  Quite the methods of understanding given by these children are given within the study of critical theories.   Please remember that atheism is not a difficult conclusion to come to; many arrive at it for two reasons: not finding an answer to the problem of Evil or the idea of an existence of hypocrisy among religious people. Many Americans who “wish for” an understanding of the life we are in adopt Zen Buddhism, the weakest of the forms of Buddhism, aside from American Buddhism itself.  These un-ornate philosophies of religion or life do not approach the metaphysics of this world or another.  Being in and of itself is nowhere or no-thing, to put it very simply, according to Zen.  American Buddhism is even more minimalistic.  It is to be noticed the divorce from metaphysics by these forms of Buddhism is not the main approach to a Buddhist metaphysic, or what is called “Buddhist theology,” though there is no God proper in this religion. But back to atheism, give it more thought and consider the critical theory approach to the ultimate expression of human understanding of the way things ought to be; it is not for the faint of heart.  The strong, by God’s design and grace, wrestle with questions like these but realize that being in a not-so-sure place is part of our imperfection and being human.  Those that want the easy way out choose atheism.    


Anonymous said…
I'll leave this brief quote from Dr. David Bentley Hart; more to follow.

"Popular atheism is not a philosophy but a therapy."

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