I am not Religious

Christians are not “religious;” they follow Jesus the Christ, and spread the Gospel (good news) by the working of the Holy Spirit.   Many are leery of the notion of being guided by the Holy Spirit. Think of it this way, you may consider yourself to be “spiritual, but religious” If you are spiritual then you believe that there is something which is behind the scenes working in your life and the world in general.  I have met a bunch of people who say the Universe gives them things or has some amorphic plan for their life.  There is very little difference in that conception and that of the Christian’s.  Christians are moved by the Holy Spirit (in accordance with scripture, the Bible) which is behind the scenes.   Jesus Christ is “the image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15) You who are spiritual may be on the cusp of becoming exactly what you despise.  Please accept this radically and investigate your life and what the Spirit tells you.  Christians are not the great hegemony that they are proposed by others to be; sadly this mis/characterization chases agnostics, atheists, and spiritual people away.


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