Christian Nationalism

In What is Christian Nationalism Andrew Whitehead and Samuel Perry mis/characterize both parts of a whole (Christian/ Nationalism) which seeks to direct the US along a path of freedom and justice for all; it is not against constitutional democracy. Whitehead and Perry say “But the “Christian” in Christian nationalism is more about identity than religion. It carries with it assumptions about nativism, white supremacy, authoritarianism, patriarchy, and militarism”   With the method most popularly used today, I will partially “deconstruct” this definition.   One must bear in mind that the kind of lies the Left gets to tell in the media at large and is considered to be thought by the purveyors of constitutional democracy.  That being the case then one can do away with the constitution, because the Left sees it either as a living document (meaning that it can be construed in many different ways, as it is applied in error) or as dead and obsolete. Christian Nationalism is instantiated with the desire to keep the constitution, constitutional democracy, and religious freedom intact in the US.

Now for the task at hand: “nativism” is a term that befits anyone born on a nation’s soil. It does exclude, but rather includes all in the particular country.  This includes indigenous people and citizens. To say that Christian Nationalists are "white supremacists" is a simplistic attempt to falsely characterize the Right and a pretty good smear job done by the Left. One will find it difficult for academicians to dislodge or unmoor themselves from such lies, which they strongly maintain.  This characterization is simply a lie.  As we have seen in previous posts the Left wants to do away with and destroy the idea “nation” Nation is important term to retain, otherwise indigenous people will be left out, because natives are nations or nation. Nation as an identity seems to screw with the Lefts lies and cause them alarm.

Our government has been authoritarian, denying many the right to speak or demonstrate their voices, due to being censored. Scoff at the Left if you will for their name calling.  The lies they tell are double-speak and should be aimed right back at them. Patriarchy, come on man, this has been a feminist sticking point for decades and is just another slur.  Every label that is out by the Left must be taken with a grain of salt. 

This thing about identity, that is a pet of the Left and should just be ignored.  

(more in a while) 


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