
Showing posts from November, 2022

The master signifier

The master signifier is that with which or he for whom there is no need for reference to it or himself.  More often than not this is represented by and embodied by the pastor, minister, the preacher, the priest, the clergy, the lawyer, and the doctor.  A person cannot exist appropriately without there word of blessing or diagnosis.  The reference, the referent, the designation, is that which gives a signifier a definition.  Father Joe needs no referent because he stands in distinction by himself as an authority.  His power, and reverence, and word are authority and not to be questioned.  The doctor gives a diagnosis, or analyzes a question or problem, no matter what the topic they always know the answer.   The vestments or the white coat gives the appearance of authority. There is no special knowledge, only authority. No matter in what context the father (pater) or the doctor (purveyor of science) are the authority on whatever is discussed. Anythi...

Constitution and Bill of Rights

 The US Constitution is "increasingly out of sync with an evolving global consensus on issues of human rights" according to David Law and Mila Versteeg "the U.S. Constitution is increasingly far from the global mainstream among nations' expectation of a constitution or bill of rights.  "The fact that the U.S. Constitution is not widely emulated raises the question of whether there is an alternative paradigm that constitutional drafters in other countries now employ as a model instead" Law and Versteeg surmise. It should be remembered that rights are considered to be given, and that no one should have go work for anything. As well, Law and Versteeg argue that "there are growing suspicions, however, that America’s days as a constitutional hegemon are coming to an end"  In a word, the American Constitution is dead (not the living document that the Left says it is, but rather a document that is slowly losing its force and usefulness as a template for ...


It is said that we live in a society “even a cultural moment” that is human (self) focused.  Woa, did I just say self, sorry but that is an outdated term.  In our world, the “self” stands decentered or deconstructed; in the present, nothing exists without relation to something else.  Nothing, including the self, stands on its own.  We do not live in a postmodern, postchurch, or posttruth world. We live in a postself world, one that is conducive to Buddhism, what’s more, actual positively a nihilistic worldview.  “Emptiness is emptiness,” Nagarjuna and the Madyamika tradition have announced, though there is no one there to annunciate it. Yes, in Harari’s understanding, the world is not material, for materiality is thought to be bad.  The prophet of the Left, Yuval Noah Harari, has put out there the theory (meaning “fact”) that the world is a series of algorithms.  When you see a potato, you see an algorithm; it is a potato-ing algorithm; this is the f...

Red Sea

 When considering the present state of affairs, it is important not to be partial but to consider all the factors involved in the writing of history and how its narrative informs, engages, and affects each person in a culture.  The other matter at hand in culture is culture-making and culture-keeping.  It certainly holds true that those who make culture are the winners, and those who lose to any of the competitive drives of the other, as in war, contribute less to culture.  There has been speculation for some time that concerns the Israelites. Supposedly, Egyptian accounts of the historical events surrounding the Israelites crossing the Red Sea are nil. Some consider the omission as demonstrating the Israelite story to be a myth.  Others argue that the Egyptians only recorded the history that spoke in favor of the Egyptian legacy and story. This is the argument about the nature of culture being disseminated according to the will and whimsy of the powerful, what ...

Darkness may come . . . . . .

  We live in an age where it is obvious that Satan is the father of lies; we must LEARN and learn to use wisdom and discernment to weed out the truths from the lies. It is especially critical that in a time when so many “narratives” designate truths as “misinformation” Jesus said The Father’s “ winnowing fork is in his hand, to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire ” It should be clear to every Christian that this world will be replete with lies and we must remain in the Word of God, seeking first the Kingdom of God.   That Kingdom does not find its origin in this world, but certainly is in the midst of us by the presence of the Holy Spirit.   Go into this world without fear and proclaim the Truth and truths about what is really going on.   Fear not the ravages of the devil. I realize that I am waxing theological, but we are at a critical time in which the Word of God is necessary for our r...

getting political

 " And, once and for all, let's kill the excuse of not getting political. We did not start this fight.  We did not 'become political.'  They became spiritual.  They jumped into our yard." for some context, this is taken from a book entitled Do Not Leave Quietly  by Mario Murillo, where he explains how those who hate God are growing stronger and darker.  

NIH article published most recently

Blaylock RL. COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? Surg Neurol Int 2022;13:167. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3,6,57] We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence. For the first time in American history a president, governors, mayors, hospital administrators and federal bureaucrats are determining medical treatments based not on accurate scientifically based or even experience based information, but rather to force the acceptance of special forms of care and “prevention”—including remdes...

NIH report, "said it all along"

I am not Religious

Christians are not “religious;” they follow Jesus the Christ, and spread the Gospel (good news) by the working of the Holy Spirit.   Many are leery of the notion of being guided by the Holy Spirit. Think of it this way, you may consider yourself to be “spiritual, but religious” If you are spiritual then you believe that there is something which is behind the scenes working in your life and the world in general.  I have met a bunch of people who say the Universe gives them things or has some amorphic plan for their life.  There is very little difference in that conception and that of the Christian’s.  Christians are moved by the Holy Spirit (in accordance with scripture, the Bible) which is behind the scenes.   Jesus Christ is “the image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15) You who are spiritual may be on the cusp of becoming exactly what you despise .  Please accept this radically and investigate your life and what the Spirit tells you.  C...

Christian Nationalism

In What is Christian Nationalism Andrew Whitehead and Samuel Perry mis/characterize both parts of a whole (Christian/ Nationalism) which seeks to direct the US along a path of freedom and justice for all; it is not against constitutional democracy. Whitehead and Perry say “But the “Christian” in Christian nationalism is more about identity than religion. It carries with it assumptions about nativism, white supremacy, authoritarianism, patriarchy, and militarism”   With the method most popularly used today, I will partially “deconstruct” this definition.   One must bear in mind that the kind of lies the Left gets to tell in the media at large and is considered to be thought by the purveyors of constitutional democracy.  That being the case then one can do away with the constitution, because the Left sees it either as a living document (meaning that it can be construed in many different ways, as it is applied in error) or as dead and obsolete. Christian Nati...


This is frightening that so many people have been fused to and brainwashed by devices. You know what I mean, those insidious blue, glowing boxes, largely flat these days.  I warn that they program people and sway people in all matters of civic life.  In fact, there is no real civic life these days. Everyone is sitting in front of a screen, being inundated by sounds and imagery which invades their minds and desensitizes them to sex and violence.  All civic life for people, not just a certain generation, is virtual.  Scream it from the mountain tops.  Do not buy into the seduction of the screen.   On the verge of an election day and many are informed, in fact, created by the screen. Each spends embryonic time with the screen, a symbiotic relationship, indeed.