“Curiosity devoid of integrity can lead questioners down a rabbit hole of disinformation. Developing the ability to ask meaningful questions in the face of uncertainty requires both a disposition toward open-ended curiosity and an understanding of the ethical practices that support inquiry with integrity. When information-seeking is cast as a matter of making personal choices or winning arguments, social responsibility can seem to be in conflict with self-interest (which, in late capitalism, has become the definition of “freedom”). That conflict is ripe for exploitation and in-group/out-group antagonism”

This paragraph comes for the Project Information Literacy and its aim to cover weaponization of uncertainty indicated by the preface to the work that says: “The way we introduce college students to research fails to encourage the ethical practice of open-ended curiosity so desperately needed in today’s complex information environment Please notice the keywords underlined in the above paragraph.  “Social responsibility” is a trope used by the Left to de-incentivize researchers and keep them within the confines of the socialization or strictures of the propaganda and “narrative” of the Left. The words “information-seeking” are double-speak, along with “integrity”, used to trap the reader into believing that there is sincerity and care in the written dialogue. Another lie and trap is the use of the term “self-interest,” and how it is connected with “late capitalism”  To be frank, one must note the Marxist (and socialist-communist) rhetoric used in the writing of this Project.

I found the Project within the databases of the Policy Commons on the internet (at policycommons.net) a seemingly helpful place to read about public policy.  One does not have to look far into the work being done there, which is done by policymakers and used to make constructs to corner readers into socialist thought.  This is found in an article on Yuval Noah Harari, the prophet of the Left, about the Return to Mt. Sinai: prophetic call for Climate Justice. That you will have to look up, it is a justice-warriors paradise. Again, I must stress that the aim of my blog here is to strike up conversations among folks with the intent to expose all the places where the Left is stirring the ship of societies worldwide. The Left aims to create a tremendous global community that thinks in a “unity” that propagates and reinforces the power already in place for them.  


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