Justice and Righteousness

 Marx “is accused of being outdated by the champions of a capitalism rapidly reverting to Victorian levels of inequality” Just like with global change, Leftists imply that these are the worst of times, contemporary times. Granted, in the last two years, the world economic forum, and the present governments (largely socialist), wealth has been “equalized” by the drastic payouts of federal governmental entities and certain persons in power. This flood of money being generated and printed has softened the wealth of the US and that socialist intervention has not worked in the terms of making for equity and inclusion for the poor.  Victorian, indeed, one can see how wealth redistribution has helped the US, none. Socialist efforts and communist policies have wrecked economies and that is the goal, and to destroy the moral fabric of nations.  It is the goal of the world economic forum is to destroy the boundaries between countries, the postcolonial move to destroy even the concept of "nation." Anyone who endorses Marxism does not know of God.  Eagleton writes of God in the following, in Eagleton’s sarcastic atheistic tone. He writes “It is rather that (God) decides from all eternity to give me a new teddy bear because of my prayer, which he has also foreseen from all eternity”  Even liberation theology, a staple in the American continent, pushes a narrative based on socialism.  The God of liberation theology is understood as a God who seeks justice but not righteousness. Stephen Harris of Yale University writes, “Liberation theology describes sin not in terms of an individual’s rebellion against a holy and righteous God, but in terms of structural and corporate injustice. To neglect the sins of the individual completely is an error.

On the other hand, Harris writes, "one can turn a blind eye to the evidences of structural fallenness, while readily acknowledging the sinfulness of individuals who inhabit those structures” Harris also writes “(Christ) is not just a new Adam, he is a new kingdom and nation and government”  They term “nation” is used by Harris, perhaps in an eerily familiar way. The idea that sin is not an individual matter between God and the person is profoundly empty of individual responsibility toward seeking righteousness through a personal relationship to God. Bonheoffer wrote in Christ the Center that His being is “pro-me” This stance on personal relationship is important because when we lose sight of Christ being our friend when we look to social structures, we focus on a righteousness that is worldly and not Heavenly. 


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