"I take responsibility" (???)
“I take responsibility” is a video on Sam Harris’ website. I agree that there have been injustices in OUR history. There are arguments that people use to justify slavery and other injustices in American history. These are based on history, as traditionally presented, not considering the material outside the gathering of the canon of American historical studies. For example, and we have all heard these: Africans were the slaveholders that sold slaves to the white mxn, and the indigenous people in the Americas were already at war among themselves when the white mxn took their land. There is an article The Unkind Cut, or who invented Scalping, by James Axtell and William C Sturtevant, which outlines the violence that “Indian” people underwent at the hands of whites, French, British, etc. Chief Cornplanter, of the Seneca tribe illiterates, how “the French offered to furnish with instruments of every kind and sharp knives to take the skins of their [enemies’] heads” The history of scalping goes back at least as far back as Herodotus, who cited Scythian scalping and that it was used in the late Ninth century by the French and the Anglo-Saxons, according to early anthropologist Richard F. Burton (Axtell and Sturtevant).
The iterations of slavery, violence, colonization, racism and discrimination (ala Homi K. Bhabha, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGBnkk3-fS0 ) have been more than significant. It is questionable whether a person should take responsibility for things they did not participate in. Are we present-day whites responsible for the actions of the French and British who practiced, according to anthropologist Peter Farb, that “Indian heads were put on pikes there very early, but people got tired of lugging in the heads so soon they just brought in the scalp to show they had killed an Indian” Axtell and Sturtevant indicate that Europeans had the “habit of taking parts of the body in war” Therefore, the scalping of “Indians” seems to fit the narrative about Europeans scalping indigenous people.
This blog will spark some reactions among those who do not feel responsible for past injustices. The question is, how much has each white person done to propel injustices. White mxn must look deeply into their hearts to consider what they are responsible for and how they can act differently in the future. This is quite a challenge and one that is worth consideration. You may not feel responsible for slavery (even though some identify using humxns to supply the daily things used as slavery). How are you responsible for your own actions, and if language is an action, where have you contributed to discrimination that way?
It is no wonder the Left use “revisionist history” to blame all white people for atrocities in the past. There are sources that have consequences on how history is written that, when taken into account, help us challenge our beliefs. Do not fear these sources. History is written by the victor. The Left wants to push the agenda of Marxism and identity politics as a means to stay in power, and will use history and people (gay, black, indigenous, etc….) to stay in power. Considering the disparity between the work of “scholars” and, for example, the positions of Candace Owens or Jordan Peterson, it is difficult to be a white mxn these days.
Who does or should “take responsibility” for what? is the question.