Dying people, is it alarming to you?

OHCHR works to protect “The human rights framework spells out the responsibilities of duty bearers to rights-holders with respect to all human rights harms, including those caused by environmental degradation” in order to “Support for the inclusion of civil society in environmental decision-making processes, access to information and effective remedies for victims” The OHCHR facilitates “Research and advocacy to address human rights harms caused by environmental degradation, particularly to groups in vulnerable situations” In this situation there needs to be concrete evidence that there is a relationship between climate change and the death or displacement of people.  The notion that everything is interconnected with all else in the world, even universe (multiverse), is logical. It is a sad day when “Environmental human rights defenders face danger and sometimes even death for their tireless work protecting the environment”  Let’s face it, one should be able to work on a cause they believe in and murders of people due to their protests and care-work is unacceptable on so many levels.  This type of thing should not happen to anyone, for any cause or reason.

In one of OHCHR’s publications, “Isobel Coleman, Deputy Administrator for Policy and Programming at USAID, noted that the recent IPCC report on climate change has repeated the warning that the changing environment is threatening every aspect of human rights by displacing people from their homes, forcing migration, and threatening food security” The larger question that the world needs to face is whether or not your particular behavior warrants change in order to address such problems. We must be diligent and rational in seeking the difference between truth and propaganda. A person needs to gather the proof of the nature in which climate change is something that is caused by one’s personal choices and behaviors. The relationship between what we do and how it affects the world is important.  Just remember, there are other groups in the world who face danger, persecution, and death; some of which are religious and political persons, and their families. Human behavior can cause atrocities, what are you willing to do about the many injustices and persecutions that so many people face each day.

What have you done to help the homeless, and what have governments been to help the homeless in their own countries?  Homelessness can be caused by immigration, mental illness, poor decision making, or for example to dissolving of the family. So, are you going to do more today to help a person? Governments should address the loss of life of many in harms way.  Given that governments cannot agree on the definiton of life, the atrocities people face, and natural disaster relief just shows how sick our systems are and how we need to realize the meaning of life each day in our own estimations. Do not give up on saving lives.    


Anonymous said…
These people are all about science. The trouble with this is that science by itself can show no meaning or purpose to life and existence, because it has no metaphysical categories. It is an excellent tool for explaining and researching natural phenomena, but it is impotent when called on to define meaning, purpose and morality. Not so for destiny, because the second law of thermodynamics, one of the best-attested natural laws, says that the expenditure of usable energy is a one-way process. Thus the universe will eventually run out of energy and grind to a halt, with the result that everything we have said and done here comes to nothing, and annihilation is the end result.

There probably is some evidence that points toward the climate warming at this time. However, only a few decades ago, environmentalists were warning about a terrible impending freeze. Now they have just thrown up their hands and said that the climate is "changing". Some surprise! Whether the current warming phase is human-caused is very much up for debate, especially because there have been much larger climate swings in the past, like ice ages, eons before there was any thought of industry, or even established civilizations. In terms of the engineering concept "signal to noise ratio", is the human contribution "signal" enough to be noticed over and above the background "noise" of much more extreme natural climate variations. For example, the meteorite that reputedly struck the Yucatan Peninsula jetted so much debris into the atmosphere that the lower light levels killed the large plants that the herbivorous dinosaurs ate and thus led to the death of all the dinosaurs, or sunspot cycles, which have caused major temperature and climate changes here on earth.

After all, hasn't it been changes in environment and climate that have powered "evolution". Organisms supposedly developed random mutations which enabled some of them to survive climate changes, thereby gradually altering the species. If this is what has enabled the development of Humankind, then why are environmentalists so terrified of the climate changing further and producing super-humans and other more "advanced" life forms.

Sure we can help our fellow human beings somewhat by conserving resources, and not polluting our air, water and soil. However, there is a darker side to the environmental movement, namely that its anti-capitalists desperately want to crush big industry, including the petroleum/energy industry, and this missive seems to be using the citizens of the less developed areas of the world as pawns to guilt the developed western nations into quashing their energy consumption. The two most populous countries, India and China, use much more energy and pollute much worse than the USA. A number of years ago, there was a spate of internal emails from the climatologists at University of East Anglia admitting that the climate-change movement was a fraud. Maybe we should listen, and take care of our less-fortunate fellow human beings in more direct ways, such as building homes, starting schools, clinics and hospitals and establishing financial and agricultural systems and addressing their emotional and spiritual needs.

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