Avram Alpert writes (most recently) that “part of why material growth does not get properly distributed is that it is undone by an increased scramble for the money to acquire positional goods.  Some of the scramble will occur through what are effectively auctions, such as real estate markets and access to politicians for those who can pay the most” In other words, as in Marxist ideology, there is the belief that quite comfortable people who live the comfortable life who horde riches find it easier to gain wealth because the system is set-up to help them prosper.  Alpert’s book The Good-Enough Life was written in 2022, just when Marxism and other theory of the Left began to show a lot more swag. Writers are taking bold steps in writing more powerfully than ever and manipulating people with their language.  This statement comes in a book with an innocent and benign title.  It is written elegantly with nice prose of disconcerting nature for those who may seek to retain their status and not get ripped off by the system through the redistribution of wealth. Beware of the white-washed tombstones who attempt to strip your wealth or even the little that you have; they want to cause a major Marxist revolution in the US and around the world. Vote against them.  


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