CHIPS, Software and the BRAIN

In Designing the Mind Santiago Romón y Cajal “there is strong evidence that we can reprogram these bad algorithms (referring to the software of the brain or the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of the brain)” This reference to change is how the futuristic is moved into the present and AI along with cognitive science plans to change and is changing human experience. Chips are already used in the brains of stroke victims. It is not as if human consciousness is not already being flirted with by science. Science aims to turn all living “humxms” into cyborgs with devices to change the very way we experience the world. It is true that cognitive scientists are in the process of learning and changing the brain and the idea that the mind is software is a big part of it.  The mind has a trinity of manifestations: thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, according to the newest science. This phenomenal trinity of experiences are thought, by cognitive scientists, to be algorithms which move human experience along the drudging and outdated path of devolution.  An algorithm is a process and rules set to follow and enhance calculations problem solving for the living being that it is the experience of and is the basic unit of expression of experience.  I use experience so many times here because I want you to understand that scientists are toying with you and your world, presently. It is truly a Brave New World a la Aldous Huxley and a Nineteen Eighty Four a la George Orwell world we live in.   It is like the movie Blade Runner and BF Skinner's Walden Two. Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are already manipulated by the screen, and fall prey to the algorithms set-up by search engines on the internet. Our DNA/RNA are thought to be algorithms and are prey to alterations, by tinkering scientists. 


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