coercion by ideas

Progressives exaggerate positions that Conservatives take, over-generalizing that the use of force is the rule of law and policy making for Conservatives, whereby Progressives see their governing as soft and caring.  Martha Stone puts it this way: “Conservatives’ . . . view of coercion . . . commands back-up by threat of force, but libertarians are wont to see it in any government rule or regulation . . . coercion is an idea about what motivates behavior rather than a behavior itself . . . we can’t draw a line between influence and coercion---influence in all its fuzziness, varieties and degrees of strength is one of the central elements of politics, and we see it at the heart many policy dilemmas”  

The thing to remember is that policies are now being made by Progressives and the rule of law is greatly being implemented by  influence and coercion and force, as we lose our liberties day by day.  

We will not cave to the Progressives’ use of ideology and force as a means of governing, which is exactly what they do.  Schopenhauer referred to this type of thinking as will and idea. I would say that will is the motivation for force and idea (i.e. policy) is the idea that pummels our liberties.   


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