Algorithms and our thought world

There is the possibility that liberals and progressives will become a one-party system that takes over our genes, demonstrating the limited need to consider now mxnkind and humxnity, but rather seeing them as worthless. There are processes known as algorithms which are considered the basic “units(?)” of reality. DNA and genes are these algorithms in process, atoms and molecules are but algorithms, as well. Algorithms are the informational directions by which things are intended, the intentional nature of processes are algorithms. This is the gibberish which philosophers of cognitive science are presenting these days, and these are elements of the strongly held “beliefs” that many on the Left are being drawn to; in fact, they will not be able to escape once strongly embedded in these beliefs. That which is in control of the universe are algorithms, and that which controls our information collection is algorithmic.  The result of one’s next search will be defined and tracked in an algorithmic process. Based on what information is most used and beneficial for one’s genes, the determination of processes turns out.  No matter how atomistic or reductionist this approach may seem, it is the trend of the future of thought. 


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