Zhang again . . .

Zhang has identified the following about artificial neural networks “Connectionist AI has achieved groundbreaking advances in recent research and has found extensive applications . . . face recognition, speech recognition, unmanned driving, and so on.” But, there are limitations to these marvelous parallel processing machines and the ANNs that go into their creation.  They cannot do multi-level logic because they have an “absence of a logical structure.” So, the ANNs are attempts at connecting (connectionism) to one another in ways similar to biological NNs, but they cannot produce the same results.  Their results do not compare to the biological and intelligent brain.  Zhang reports, “Once a machine has reasoned, it encounters concerns that might no less than a human expert. Feigenbaum also wrote in his book: ‘Expert systems do not yet understand these things. Part of learning to be an expert is to understand not only the letter of the rules but also their spirit...... He knows when to break the rules and what is relevant to his task and irrelevant to his job’” I continue to discuss this matter even after the argument that humans cannot create what God creates” has been made because I wish to push the envelope and challenge God-fearers, religious people, and/or Christians to step beyond the obvious argumentations to more extensive questioning.  Anonymous gave a beautiful argument in an earlier comment, but I want to flesh out opposing possibilities to get your feedback.   


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