WHAT your children are learning

“Empire” is a metaphor for the notion of “nation”; whenever you see these words used anywhere, it is important to see that the tradition of Christian values, American freedom, and liberation from sin are being deconstructed.  The deconstruction of “Nation” is how they work to abort freedom in the name of democracy to lead us into social democracy and democratic socialism.  This is what I have been saying with these long academic-sounding blogs. I use academic terminology because the beginning of these processes happens when your children are headed off to college this Fall. This is a serious matter that needs to be investigated as your children learn about the deconstruction of "nation," and as The Empire Writes Back, by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin, and other postcolonial literature is introduced in the classroom. There is no comparison of traditions or introduction to new ideas for your children to mull over.  There is a full-out onslaught of ideology being shoved down our throats.  Please listen to this word as an important thing to investigate because our children are being programmed to have a disdainful taste in their mouths when they think about the legitimacy of the United States, which the public policymakers are trying to usurp.   


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