th arm of global governance

There are certain terms which progressives equivocate: example of this project would be “nation = Empire” or “difference = other” (in some negative light) or “Christianity = hegemony” (the powerful). These equals are not the things that THEY say are “MEAN or oppressive” These equivocations are based on lies about our culture and unfounded concerns. Presently, to say that Christianity is a powerful force in the world is bogus and a lie. Visit any place of learning and see how Christianity is taught and the inaccuracies about Christianity that are rammed down children’s throats.  We will take a closer look at how “nation” is torn apart.  

In From Colonialism to International Aid  it is explained that “Transnational approaches to social policy have been described as a “means of revealing the constructed parameters of the ‘national’” As jd ripper exposes in Words on the Street: Postcolonialsm and Public Policy “nation” and “national”  have been words critiqued and deconstructed by the Left in a fashion that destroys boundaries and the effects they have on social policy.  The World Economic Forum is working to see the governance of nations dissolved and that there be one world order. Get a load of this preposition, “transnational law can address (emphasis added) a range of public and private actors, including states, intergovernmental organizations, international and national non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations and families” These are some frightening words on the levels of concern for these Leftist. See further, “Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, there has been a rapid rise in social protection initiatives in many low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) that can be mainly attributed to a growing number of social assistance programs” Is it possible to feed every person in the world while controlling their very existence? Can the US save the world by spending hundreds of billion dollars? Here is another example, The Colonial Legacy and the Rise of Social Assistance in the Global South, that in the 21st century, “There has . . . been a global surge in public social spending . . . . we argue that social unrest is a key ‘political’ factor that drives this expansion, translating ‘structural’ pressures into social expenditures” As in their effort to control the public sphere progressives are attempting to control private lives. The far-reaching arm of globalization and progressive ideology has invaded your life; if you don’t see it happening, you may need to take a closer look at what you are exposed to every day.  Remember, as Stuart Hall put it, “representation is reality.”  


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