Rights (more on rights)

Check this out from Stanford Encyclopedia, "To say that children do not have all the basic human rights that adults do is not to deny them their status as humans. After all it makes sense to insist that children have – as humans – a basic right to life. Yet it also makes sense, as suggested, to say that children do not have an adult right of self-determination. It is controversial to say that children are ‘persons’, . . . , this term denotes those possessed of moral agency and capable of being responsible for their actions. Weaker or stronger conceptions of ‘personhood’ would lead to the inclusion or exclusion of humans at various ages from the category of person. However it is not controversial to state that children are human, and in saying this to insist that they are entitled to a certain moral regard"  

same source "It is of course a further question of whether certain communal values violate liberal values other than autonomy – such as equality. It would be wrong then to rear boys and girls in gendered stereotypes that perpetuate inequality and discrimination"  

what do you think about the rights of children? and parents rights 



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