Data Colonialism

Data colonialism (now this is really up my alley).   THEWEEK Magazine reports “The two biggest problems with big data are at national and global levels. The danger on the national level is that a few groups—be they governments or large corporate monopolies—may use it to create unequal societies or totalitarian regimes, he (Yuval Noah Harari) said” This use of the word “national” is something I have referred to in these blogs, the fear of colonialism in all of its forms (iterations like slavery, racism, discrimination) is what the Left props up in order to justify its policy making. As I have said “nation” is a term the Left deconstructs and fears intensely.  This is being propagated in the public, media, education, online, as the most dangerous idea (the term nation is often referred to as “Empire” often to accuse the US of wrong-doing and meddling in other lands’ business militarily.  Even missionaries are accused of such propagation of Western ideals (note here the concern with “ideology” as well).  Go figure that Yuval Noah Harari would lead the way into the future by deconstructing the “nation” by asserting that there is data colonialism.


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