damnation for Christianity


Terrence D Hill indicates that “Findings indicate that falling short of population average levels for church attendance and reading of religious scripture is associated with higher levels of psychological distress” first reaction is where does he (sic) get his (sic) data from. Most if not all studies that are published find what they are seeking to find.  “A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest” The null Hypothesis almost always rules out the findings that you do not want.  Hill also says that “Numerous studies show that religious involvement—indicated by observable feelings, beliefs, activities, and experiences in relation to spiritual, divine, or super-natural entities— is associated with a wide range of favorable mental health outcomes across a range of indicators”   This is highly charged emotional and politically savvy research, built to destroy the Christian faith.  Hill goes on “Although most studies emphasize the mental health benefits of religious involvement, religious struggles—indicated by religious doubts, feeling abandoned by God, negative interactions within the church, negative religious beliefs (e.g., believing that human nature is fundamentally perverse and corrupt), high levels of extrinsic religiosity, and the combination of strong religious beliefs and low religious attendance— may actually contribute to psychological distress” These statements are completely erroneous.  This blows my mind, read his research or meta-research and glean from him his seething disdain for Christianity. 


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