colonization today?

Aimé Céasaire says “between colonization and civilization there is an infinite distance, out of all the colonial expeditions that have been undertaken, out of all the colonial statutes drawn up, out of all the memoranda that have been dispatched by all the ministries, there could not come a single human value” If one sees the notion of colonization bringing civilization, one would have to buy into atrocities as being morally necessary and needed, to advance the cause of Christ and progress. I will admit that progress is a term that assumes that other civilizations must meet the Western framework of initiatives and advances. Or that progress devalues the advances believed to be important to other cultures. On the single human value that we bring to the Global South, is something they do not only know but do experience. There are iterations of colonialism, which begs the question of whether or not colonization continues.  Many saw the Iraq War as a process of colonization.  This is not an arbitrary designation, but it is a serious allegation.  We must think in terms that others think, in order to understand where they are coming.


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