Authority and power

“Authority is the right to command, and correlatively, the right to be obeyed. It must be distinguished from power, which is the ability to compel compliance, either through the use or the threat of force.”

In his book In Defence of Anarchy Robert Paul Wolff states there is the “question of legitimate authority. That is a matter of the right to command and the correlative obligation to obey the person who issues the command” There is a difference between authority and power. Authority “must be distinguished from power, which is the ability to compel compliance, either through the use or the threat of force” Foucault made it clear that there is a strong correlation between power and language. In that case, then, language controls the populace, and authority with the right to command can be done through the US election process, giving the progressives a voice, the voice, to dominate those who see governmental exploitation of people of all stripes. The US government is using its people’s money, whether it is through the crippling welfare state or through the government spending so much money on causes that do not lift people out of poverty. There has been a rise in unemployment, taxes, homelessness, and crime.  The anarchists are pushing for an end to the “police” state and seem to be getting “defund the police” done in many crime-ridden places, like Chicago. Wolff explains that “laws are issued in the name of the sovereign, which is to say the total population of the community. The power which enforces the law (should there be any citizen who, having voted for a law, now resists its application to himself) is the power of all, gathered together into the police power of the state” We realize that the voting into law terms and conditions take place in elections that do not favor us. Norms in our society are formed strongly by media, quite often by the media (which is clearly on the side of the progressives. Progressives are the sovereign, unfairly so. Some want to take power back for the truth of democracy; we must be patient to see the fulfillment of this matter. Pray that voting is fair and accurate this time around. Strangely, Wolff says, “Even under the most unjust of governments, there are frequently good reasons for obedience rather than defiance” This is a hard pill to swallow, but God will sift out the chaff out of the wheat.


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