
Ilan Pappé presents the following perspective by discussing Zionism within the structures of socialist and anticolonialist positions. Pappé writes in strong language that “Zionism was a colonialist movement that penetrated the Palestinian homeland by force, with the wish to colonize the country and with possible expansionist ambitions to penetrate the heart of the Arab world” Now, Israel, as seen from a nationalist reference, is understood as a blessed nation, chosen by Adonai Elohim to rule the land of its inheritance, this is quite the Zionist position.  The land is very central to the people of Israel. The kingdom of Israel or the Kingdom of Heaven Malkut Shamayim is truly a land for the Israelites.

Now consider Zion (the land of Israel) as being stolen in the name of some capricious G-d named YHWH.  To consider the Zionist position a colonialist position is only so for those who are pro-Arab, or Palestinian.  The conservative Christians (so-called nationalists) have also promoted Zionism, following their interpretation of the Christian biblical texts and Hebrew scripture.  For them, “nations” are important and signify certain fulfillments of scripture, particularly the prophetic books. Postcolonialist and anticolonialist scholars are particularly and meticulously decentering and deconstructing the idea of “nation” by correlating it with “Empire” and other colonialist terms. 


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