Wokeness and words


A study done in 2017 called The “Woke” Generation? Millennial Attitudes on Race in the US investigated opinions of Millennials and their attitudes about whether protest, governmental intervention, or self-help is needed for different racial groups should have problems addressed. The questions were like this “Beyond organizing and voting, we were interested in how respondents feel about government policies meant to improve the social and economic conditions of both African Americans and Latinxs in the United States” “Should the government make special effort to improve the social and economic position of African Americans or should they help themselves?”  The data received by the study indicated “a plurality of white Millennials (24%) say that African Americans should help themselves” AND “It is only when African Americans are the target for assistance from the government that white Millennials make ‘help themselves’ the more cited response”

For you white folks out there, it may come as news to you that “wokeness” was a thing as far back as 2016 – 2017, and not a more recent development.  It is significant that Millennials were the target of these studies and that all colors and whites were asked the questions in the report.

Wokeness is a phenomenon that has crossed into many disciplines, industries, and the corporate world; calling for white people to realize their whiteness and change opinions and behaviors. Many liberal whites experience the significant enough guilt feelings to attempt to change. Many whites are accepting the training in this area, some though are not willing to change, but rather to put on a show or put up a front.  Millennials tend to wear their feelings on their sleeves, more so than other generations,  and are more likely to change behaviors and attitudes. The phrase “facts don’t have feelings” does not go over well with many Millennials.  This is a phrase used by some conservatives and sometimes is aimed at the Left, identity politics, or “the personal is political”   Woke is a term now in use to identify the power of color, in postcolonial paths, life writing is important and often considers all the dimensions of a person’s life.  In life writing one sees the development of a person’s culture, emotions, cognitive strengths, and family.  The import of all of these factors is the well of profundity of the whole person. Because feelings, as happens in character degradation through speech-acts, are essential to the political atmosphere it is easy to fall into such a trap in language. The Left hijacks postcolonial thought in order to illustrate points of controversial approaches to speech and actions. Well, let’s be careful what we say, and not let our whiteness rule our whole being.  My question is can a person of color carry whiteness attitudes, and not be Woke? What do you think?   


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